HOW TO: Acupressure Mat


The Core Trainer Acupressure Mat Set is designed to release tension and pain through pressure points. A great alternative to medicine, promoting circulation to relieve aches and pains across the body. The muscles are relaxed, the body releases a sense of calmness. 


Begin by lying on the mat, flat on your back

  • 10-20 seconds - You may want to resist as it feels quite sharp 
  • 1-2 minutes - Blood begins to circulate and a warm sensation forms
  • 2-4 minutes - A gentle tingling begins as the body is relieving pain 
  • 4-6 minutes - The body releases endorphins which creates a calming feeling 
  • 6-20 minutes - Pain has subsided and muscles are relaxed and tension has eased 


  • Promotes circulation 
  • Reduces tension and pain 
  • Pillow can be used for neck, shoulders, calves & quad muscles 
  • Relief and relaxation in 15-20 minutes 
  • Ease stress & improves sleep 


  • Headaches, by sanding on the mat with both feet evenly placed 
  • Neck and back pain 
  • Sciatica pain 
  • Tight or stiff muscles 
  • Stress and tension 
  • Insomnia